Table Top Soldering Systems
Soldering system TOP-375SOP for integration in automated soldering machines or robot applications
Thanks to the fact, that controller and solder part are separated from each other, TOP-375SP is ideally suited for integration into automated systems
Minisolderwave TOP-375 SP & SPH
- Leadfree soldering with temperatures from 200°C ûp to 350°C
- The high temperature module TOP-375SPH allows solder temperatures up to 450°C
- Is comparable to our model TOP-375CE but with separation of Solder and Controller part.
- therefor allows integration of the solder module in automated inline solutions
- avoids temperature transfer from solder part to controller unit
- provides easy maintenance
Just like the main model TOP-375CE, TOP-375SP & SPH offers following features:
- Timer-Function for Process-Control
- Standby-Function to minimize solder time Optionale Stickstoffeinheit
- Uses the same solder nozzles as TOP-375CE
- Customised solder nozzles available on request