TOP 342 LP Rahmen
TOP 342 LP Rahmen

PCB Holder TOP-342 and Lift Controller for TOP-375 CE

The PCB Holder TOP342 is the ideal accessory for the selective soldering system TOP-375 when soldering or de-soldering THT components on small PCBs. After a basic adjustment for a special type of PCBs, anyPCB of the same type can comfortably and repeatably be placed at the same position above the solder nozzlewhereit is fixed horizontally at its sides. At the end of a soldering procedure one side of the PCB holder can be lifted either manually or by the optional Lift Controller TOP341, tilting the board in order to peel the soldered pins out of the solder, thus avoiding bridges. The Lift Controller can be connected to the selective soldering system TOP-375 instead of the foot switch. After pressing the start switch of the TOP341 the solder pump speeds up or starts respectively, depending on whether the soldering system is operated in the standby-mode or not, so that the solder rises up to the soldering height which can be adjusted at the TOP-375.The timer of the Lift Controller enables you to set the time delay between the moment the start of the soldering process itself.



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Wolfgang Riedel

Phone: +49 (0) 2622-943733
Fax: +49 (0) 2622-943750

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Irene Veit

Phone: +49 (0) 2622-943735
Fax: +49 (0) 2622-943750

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