Jade MKII Topside Preheat
Jade MKII Bottom Heat
Jade MKII Soldering Head
1.5 mm Micro Loetduese
Jade MKII Topside Preheat
Jade MKII Bottom Heat
Jade MKII Soldering Head
1.5 mm Micro Loetduese

Flexible and Compact Selective Soldering System

Selective Soldering SystemJade MKII is a flexible, compact and economic Stand-Alone Selective Soldering System. It offers full functionality for even complicated and heat-intensive Electronic Boards and is the ideal solution for small and medium lot size production. Despite the small footprint, Jade MKII can handle Board sizes of up to 508 mm x 457 mm. Soldering is carried out under complety Nitrogen atmosphere to achieve excellent solder Quality.

Its precise Drop-Jet-Fluxer allows to apply just as many flux as Need to achieve the best solder results. Alternativ or in combination, we offer an Ultrsonic Flux Head. Programming is easy and visually assisted.Programs can be generated by use of the In-Build Teachcamera or with the Offline programming tool. 
Options for Topside preheat and fully closed Loop board temperature control make sure that the solder process is carried out at the correct temperature Level to ensure optimal ascent of solder. 

Jade MKII - the ideal choice when you are looking for high end soldering at an economic Level of investment. 



Ihre persönlichen Ansprechpartner


Wolfgang Riedel

Phone: +49 (0) 2622-943730
Fax: +49 (0) 2622-943750
E-Mail: w.riedel@rubroeder.de

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